STORY The agency 'Unravel Corp', specialized in unexplained phenomena, has detected an unknown wave emanating from an artifact estimated to be 5,000 years old. It has been located beneath a disused, unlisted mine in Mexico. The agency holds a secret lab where they have developed a teleportation machine to access locations unreachable by humans. Your mission is to find the artifact before the possibility of no return. |
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GAMEPLAY You and your teammates can see & talk to each other through puzzles and challenges in the same virtual reality world. Make your way through this experience with many areas to explore, just like you would in a regular physical escape room. This experience can be enjoyed seated on gaming chairs to eliminate motion sickness, or standing for a greater immersive experience. |
BRAIN AGE escaped in less than 45 minutes   | DIVISION LEADER most points in their Division | ESCAPED successfully escape the room   | HEARTBREAKER on last puzzle as time ran out   | NO HINTS escaped without requesting a hint   | PHOTO FINISH escaped with less than 2 minutes left   |
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